Hi Everyone!

Today I decided to write up a little blog post on some of my favorite products I used during law school to help me maintain a good sleep schedule. These tools helped me maintain energy throughout my law school career and even when I got off track from stress/ external factors I was able to use these products to maintain my sleep schedule and boost up my overall productivity. By getting more sleep and maintaining a strict schedule I was able to control my emotional balance and decrease any potentially added stress form not "having my shit together." Hope you guys find these items as helpful as I did!

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CHEAP Dorm Room Coffe Maker  (No Filters Needed) - Budget Friendly

I used a similar coffee maker that was black in colour. I used to live in a dorm style apartment and had an early 7:00am wake time each morning.  I would pre-load the grounded coffee and water in the machine the night before and put a clean mug under it. First thing in the morning right after my alarm would go on I would flick the switch on the side of the machine. While I lay in bed mentally preparing for the day, it would automatically fill my room with the scent of coffee and force me to wake up! I also love this product because you can reuse the built-in filter without having to purchase filter paper or create waste from those plastic inserts. If you are fancy you can get a smart plug for the device and set the wake-time timer on it to make it one less thing for you to worry about. If you're not into consuming coffee I would recommend Ginseng Tea instead! The coffe maker mentioned also works for tea brewing! Just replace the grounded coffee with a tea bag in the same net.

Ginseng Tea- Great for Concentration

Ginseng tea is a Chinese cult classic! It helps boost energy and doesn't have the "crash" aspect of Coffee. You get natural energy and it is great for improving blood circulation and your immune system as well. FUN FACT: My university roommate actually caught me drinking this one day, he studied Pharmacology and told me that Ginseng actually has a similar chemical strain that is found in ADHD medication! I found that to be unbelievably interesting and it also logically explained why I tended to have better study sessions and concentration having sipped this tea whilst I was reading. My roommate is now in Medical school. Also, I always thought that the increase in productivity was a placebo effect from years of my Chinese mother telling me that I should drink Ginseng tea to make me smarter! Haha guess there was some science behind it!

Self-Heating Lavender Eye Mask
Whenever I was stressed out and couldn't sleep for the life of me, I would use these lavender scented soothing, self-heating eyemasks. Not only does the lavender scent calm you down with added aromatherapy aspects but the heat from the lightweight self-heating mask would relax your face muscles. Instead of tightening your frown muscles and furrowing your brows, you will find yourself to loosen up and relax your overall expression. I found that subconsciously I would begin to put myself in a calmer mood and eventually would fall asleep with the mask on! The fact that it forced me to close my eyes also helped me to fall asleep. By using this tool I was able to put myself to sleep on time and on schedule, and the next morning I would be fully charged with the scheduled 8 hours of sleep!

Re-usable Heated eye Mask 

If you are more environmentally conscious a different option without the lavender scent I would recommend is this:

A re-chargeable eyemask is also a good option.

Deep Sleep Pillow Spray
I am officially a pillow spray convert! I used to think this was gimmicky and total BS but after giving this a try and keeping an open mind about it I can firmly say that essential oils and aromatherapy actually works for me. I would recommend using this pillow spray.

Daylight Savings is a BITCH!

I'm the type of person who is more productive when the sun is out if this applies to you that means that whenever there is a cloudy - grey skies kind of day you DONT want to work and would rather hibernate in bed or just watch netflix all day long. That is the type of behaviour that will cause you to loose track of your sleep schedule and lower your productivity.  To counteract this and to keep myself alive and awake I purchased a SAD Lamp. No, not "sad" but SAD as in Seasonal Affect Disorder lamp. Yes, SAD is a type of depression that changes the mood of a person during cooler months of the season. I have not been medically diagnosed but I found myself wanting to purchase this anyways because I feel like I basically self-diagnosed myself. If you live in any country where the sun tends to take a vacation on you and you notice yourself not being the happy-go-lucky person you usually are, then you most likely have SAD. You should probably look into getting this kind of a lamp to balance out your mood and to also help keep you on track in your study schedule.

Melatonin Pills - To help you fall asleep

On days leading up to a big exam or a big event, I try my best to begin tricking my body into sleeping early and waking up early. Sometimes the stress gets the best of me and I tend to overthink and not be able to fall asleep as intended. As such, my last resort is to take Melatonin pills. This is a natural supplement that, for me, really knocks me out. I do this in combination with setting my alarm at the intended wake up time and force myself into that sleep schedule and routine. For example, if I have a big exam coming up that is a 9:00 AM 3 hour Exam, then I tend to start 3 days prior in training my body to wake up for that time and to be productive and focused during that time frame. I do this by scheduling in 8 hours of sleep (something I need) and waking up and doing intense practice exams between 9AM - 12PM (the time frame of the expected exam), in this way I trick my body into this routine so that on the day of the exam there is a bit of "muscle memory" and I just go at it as if it is my daily routine.

WARNING: This may not be recommended by health practitioners but this is the thing that I did and it WORKED FOR ME, please take all advice on supplements with caution and consult your healthcare professional before doing so.

Camomile Tea
An alternative more safe/ natural option would be trying some Camomille tea which has lower dosages of natural Melatonin in it!

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